Saturday, 1 February 2014


The hairdressing it's a scare thing for the girls, when they listen that word they feel nervous, they probably have fear. That's for a reason.
When you go to the hairdresing you go for cut your hair a little bit, but the hairdressers like so much the scissors, and they cut what they want. When they finsih, show you with a mirror your hair, and you have to say: "oh yes so beautiful, that's pretty :)". But the girls always think: " What the fuck she did in my hair? that's horrible! I feel horrible! Not the hairdressed is horrible! I want to kill them".
So the hairdresses make's us fear to their work, because they do it so bad at the moment. But also I think that we feel horrible because it's a change in our hair and we don't accept that change.

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