Saturday, 17 May 2014


For my best oral evidence I choose one podcast I do the second term of this year with Lídia Sanz. I think that oral was so good. First of all, we think about the topic of the podcast. Secondly, we write the text in one paper. We do a dialogue about two friends who go into a bar and talk about his trip to Belgium. Then, we try to record the podcast, one time, two times, three times.... And a lot more. I think we recorded in fifteen times. Finally, when we recorded we do the video with the images and with a song called Klingande of Jubel.

That oral makes it my best work, because the composition, it's so long and we do it in only one afternoon. We try to put it some phrasal verbs and combinations of the verbs. We try to put some countries that we want to go in the oral too. With the video, I can post a little bit of my prefers song on it. And of course, because I do with one of my friends.

For my best written evidence, it's a post that I wrote last year. That post, it's called “Barraques”, that I talk about what that party. First of all, I choose that post, because it's the largest of my blog. I think that the most large it's like the best. Secondly, I use a lot of connectors in that work. I explain that party with a lot of details. And I think that if I had to choose in one year I provably choose the same one. Because that party, it's the party of the year.

That work makes it my best work, because the composition, it's so long and I do it with a lot of time. I think that if I write about a thing that I like. I explain more comfortable that if I had to write about a topic that I don't like it so much. I always put a photo that describes the post, and for that post I use one that tells: “You know you had fun when you can't tell your parents you did”. I think that the party, it's always good for all.

In conclusion, my best oral and my best written are in that post are two with I enjoy it doing it. If I enjoy what I'm doing I do it better always.

Friday, 16 May 2014


My first document in the blog is: “An animal in me”, that post was at the beginning of 4th ESO. That post was so short with normal words. I try to link the word that I don't understand with the dictionary.
If I compare that post with the last post of second batxillerat, I see a big difference. At the first one I explain the topic in 5 lines. At the last I explain the topic in the double of lines. I introduced a video and I saw the film for doing the post. In the first post I think I do it in five minutes the last day.An animal in me, I don't use any connectors and now I think use a lot.
In conclusion, I think that I improve my English a lot. And I hope to improve more in a few of years.

My first oral presentation that is in my blog was the last year and the topic was: “All about me”. In that presentation I feel so nervous and I don't stop moving. I think that I close the lights for trying to feel more comfortable with the oral task.
If I compare that presentation to my last presentation of my research project, I think I change a little bit. First of all, I think that I start really well, but then when I was finished, I feel a little bit nervous. Secondly, I don't use the same program, at the first one I use PowerPoint and in the last one I use Prezi. Then, I try a lot in the first oral to look for my classmates, but it's a little bit difficult. And in the last Prezi I look for somebody, because we know more, and I'm sure if I look at them was better than on the wall as I did before.
In conclusion, I think I improve a lot my staging.

Thursday, 8 May 2014


I saw that film a few of weeks ago. That film, I think it's the most interesting I watch all my life, it's my favorite.
That film starts with a woman in a bed with a man. The girl saw in a piece of news that the number of the men you sleep to the medium it's 20 boys. The girl it's scared, because she go with 19 boys. And that night she go out and get drunk. The next morning, she wakes up with another boy, so that's 20 boys. Then, his neighbor search all of the boyfriends she had already in the last years for don't pass the number.
Finally, she falls in love with the neighbor and one of the ex call him and say that she doesn't pass of 20, because she doesn't sleep with him.
That film, it's so good, it's comedy and romantic film. It's a film for enjoying the afternoon with your friends, not with your parents.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


If you touch the image you go to the original news

Twin sisters from Aldershot in the UK have met in the United States after spending 78 years apart. Elizabeth Hamel and Ann Hunt found each other after the longest period of separation ever recorded for twins.


I think that two twins meet after 78 years, it's positive and negative thing. If you meet with your sister 78 years left than you born, maybe you don't want to saw him, because you don't want notice her. And if you meet him after 78 years apart, maybe it's a good thing, because you can speak, touch and whatever with your partner.


in theflesh: in real life
womb: organ inside a mother's body where a baby growns before being born

overview: description of the main features of something

Monday, 5 May 2014


Nowadays the people are too dependent on the mobile phones, because now we need them a lot.
We are too dependent on mobile phones, because now we are connected all day. First of all, we are in the era of the technology, so we depend on mobile even if we don't want it. Secondly, we are always with the cell, because we need to chat with other people if they are not around us. I think that now we can't live without the mobile. Because we live with that instrument, that is a part of our life.

In conclusion, we can't live without phones and we are too dependent on the mobiles.