Saturday, 17 May 2014


For my best oral evidence I choose one podcast I do the second term of this year with Lídia Sanz. I think that oral was so good. First of all, we think about the topic of the podcast. Secondly, we write the text in one paper. We do a dialogue about two friends who go into a bar and talk about his trip to Belgium. Then, we try to record the podcast, one time, two times, three times.... And a lot more. I think we recorded in fifteen times. Finally, when we recorded we do the video with the images and with a song called Klingande of Jubel.

That oral makes it my best work, because the composition, it's so long and we do it in only one afternoon. We try to put it some phrasal verbs and combinations of the verbs. We try to put some countries that we want to go in the oral too. With the video, I can post a little bit of my prefers song on it. And of course, because I do with one of my friends.

For my best written evidence, it's a post that I wrote last year. That post, it's called “Barraques”, that I talk about what that party. First of all, I choose that post, because it's the largest of my blog. I think that the most large it's like the best. Secondly, I use a lot of connectors in that work. I explain that party with a lot of details. And I think that if I had to choose in one year I provably choose the same one. Because that party, it's the party of the year.

That work makes it my best work, because the composition, it's so long and I do it with a lot of time. I think that if I write about a thing that I like. I explain more comfortable that if I had to write about a topic that I don't like it so much. I always put a photo that describes the post, and for that post I use one that tells: “You know you had fun when you can't tell your parents you did”. I think that the party, it's always good for all.

In conclusion, my best oral and my best written are in that post are two with I enjoy it doing it. If I enjoy what I'm doing I do it better always.

Friday, 16 May 2014


My first document in the blog is: “An animal in me”, that post was at the beginning of 4th ESO. That post was so short with normal words. I try to link the word that I don't understand with the dictionary.
If I compare that post with the last post of second batxillerat, I see a big difference. At the first one I explain the topic in 5 lines. At the last I explain the topic in the double of lines. I introduced a video and I saw the film for doing the post. In the first post I think I do it in five minutes the last day.An animal in me, I don't use any connectors and now I think use a lot.
In conclusion, I think that I improve my English a lot. And I hope to improve more in a few of years.

My first oral presentation that is in my blog was the last year and the topic was: “All about me”. In that presentation I feel so nervous and I don't stop moving. I think that I close the lights for trying to feel more comfortable with the oral task.
If I compare that presentation to my last presentation of my research project, I think I change a little bit. First of all, I think that I start really well, but then when I was finished, I feel a little bit nervous. Secondly, I don't use the same program, at the first one I use PowerPoint and in the last one I use Prezi. Then, I try a lot in the first oral to look for my classmates, but it's a little bit difficult. And in the last Prezi I look for somebody, because we know more, and I'm sure if I look at them was better than on the wall as I did before.
In conclusion, I think I improve a lot my staging.

Thursday, 8 May 2014


I saw that film a few of weeks ago. That film, I think it's the most interesting I watch all my life, it's my favorite.
That film starts with a woman in a bed with a man. The girl saw in a piece of news that the number of the men you sleep to the medium it's 20 boys. The girl it's scared, because she go with 19 boys. And that night she go out and get drunk. The next morning, she wakes up with another boy, so that's 20 boys. Then, his neighbor search all of the boyfriends she had already in the last years for don't pass the number.
Finally, she falls in love with the neighbor and one of the ex call him and say that she doesn't pass of 20, because she doesn't sleep with him.
That film, it's so good, it's comedy and romantic film. It's a film for enjoying the afternoon with your friends, not with your parents.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


If you touch the image you go to the original news

Twin sisters from Aldershot in the UK have met in the United States after spending 78 years apart. Elizabeth Hamel and Ann Hunt found each other after the longest period of separation ever recorded for twins.


I think that two twins meet after 78 years, it's positive and negative thing. If you meet with your sister 78 years left than you born, maybe you don't want to saw him, because you don't want notice her. And if you meet him after 78 years apart, maybe it's a good thing, because you can speak, touch and whatever with your partner.


in theflesh: in real life
womb: organ inside a mother's body where a baby growns before being born

overview: description of the main features of something

Monday, 5 May 2014


Nowadays the people are too dependent on the mobile phones, because now we need them a lot.
We are too dependent on mobile phones, because now we are connected all day. First of all, we are in the era of the technology, so we depend on mobile even if we don't want it. Secondly, we are always with the cell, because we need to chat with other people if they are not around us. I think that now we can't live without the mobile. Because we live with that instrument, that is a part of our life.

In conclusion, we can't live without phones and we are too dependent on the mobiles.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014


If you touch the image you go to the original new
If you touch the image you go to the original news


The research from US says they are, and it can explain why. A team from the University of Pennsylvania says male and female brains are connected in very different ways, and this means that men and women are better at doing different things.


I think that the research from US explain the truth. The male brain with the female brain are totally different. First of all, because the males think all time in special things like football and food and the girls thinks in clothes and guys. So that explains that the girls and the men are better doing different things.


Brainy: clever, intelligent
Hard-wired: designed to work in a particular way which cannot be changed
Multi-tasking: doing several things at the same time.

Sunday, 27 April 2014


If you touch the image you go to the original news


We often hear about regions or nations that want to break away from the country that rules them. In the United Kingdom, people from Scotland are to vote on whether they want to become independent.

I think that the people of Scotland have to vote to the independence of his country, like Catalonia. If this country don't want to be a region of United Kingdom, they must be separated.


referendum: a time when everyone in a countru can vote on a particular issue.
independance: freedom from political control by another country.
debate: a serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part.

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Brígida, my elder sister. She looks like me because she has brown eyes and brown long hair. She's quite little like me and has a beautiful figure, now she's waiting for a child (Lluís) in one month. She's very smart and looks really attractive all the days, not only when she dresses up to go out with her boyfriend.
Brígida is working in an office in Santa Susanna. She speaks five languages: French, Spanish, Catalan, English and a little bit of German. She always goes abroad for her holidays. My sister loves going out to the country with somebody, because she really loves travelling.
She's good at volleyball, and now she does yoga or relaxing things like this.
Brígida always cheers me up when I'm depressed she has a wonderful sense of humor. I think her only fault is that she's always working, she doesn't have much time for her. I admire her because she's so calm and hard-working girl and when she laughs, then all the people laugh with her.


Photography's a thing that I'm interested in since I was a child. Photography's my passion. You can change the pictures and change it with your own.
With a normal camera, I take beautiful photos. The kind of camera is not all in photography. You can take a photo in a prettier way than a person who has a camera better than yours. It's only how you take the photo, not with what you take it.
My camera only has four features: black and white, sepia, inverse and normal. But I always use the normal one. With my computer I have a lot of features more, because I've got some problems when I take pictures. I want to take the best shots, but sometimes there are some problems like: the zoom with the camera, the animal if I want to take a photo is moving, it gets blurred...

All I can say about photography is that, when I'm taking photos I'm feeling so comfortable and relaxed.


We're attracted to some people, acording to numerous surveys, basically because we only want to feel closer to somebody.
A psychologist asked to parse at strangers to talk to each other about their feelings. That people were attracted by the intimacy, and it has also been demostrated that people feel closer.

The scientists have studied phrases of romances, but if you don't want to be down-hearted you can buy chocolate it's like a medicine for that.


Last weekend I saw that film. It's a film to laugh and smile a lot. That's a film on Friday night.

Two boys meet in a bar and they are drunk, the men go to a park and they say at the same time “hopefully I've got your life” and an amazing thing happens.
The morning before that two men appear in the other houses with their body. They are so scared, but then they accept and they spend a week in that body in the life of the other man.

At the end, that two men want their life back so they go to the source in the middle of a center and the repeat the scene of . Next morning they return to their normal life. There is a lot more to explain, but is you watch the film you will enjoy it a lot.


First of all, I have to say that I don't like the books so much. But I think that the books explain a lot of things, and you can learn a lot by reading. I found some books fascinating, I like the romantic, comedy or drama ones. I usually read romance books, because that kind of books are easy to read and to understand. Probably I don't enjoy browsing in bookshops, because I prefer presents from the other people or recommend me some books.

If I have to choose the book, I always see the cover, that is a big thing for bring it or not. It's the first thing you see. I have more hardbacks than paperbacks, I think I have no paperbacks for a reason. That kind of books are strong, and never break. So if I want to save the book I always bring the hard books it doesn't matter if I have to pay a little more for them. In conclusion, I really like books as a gift.


I love music, I'm always listening to it. But I will focus on Maroon 5 and his singer Adam Levine.
Their music sounds very well and it's for all the ages. They are not influenced by anyone or anything, and of course their music isn't eihter.
They write and record their own music, for that reason, they now are still popular. Maroon 5 are at the top of the lists, because their singles sound very good and they are very popular too. They go to events during the year. Now, I remember the Victoria's Secret one, that they we're singing and the models were walking around them.

They also, do a lot of concerts, I think that Maroon 5 goes on a tour for all the countries, to present their albums: Over exposed, Hands All Over, Call and Respone, Live from Soho.
That band, have a great singer who's Adam Levine, and they have a telented musicians with lovely melodies, they prepare so well with beautiful lyrics motivating the audience and the fans.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


1. What are human rights?
Human right are the rights you have simply because you’re human. Are the right to life, we are all born free and equal, freedom of religion.. and a lot more.

2. When and why were they created?
Greeks invented the human rights, in cyrus cylinder on 5039 b.C

3. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights.

4. Which human right were you not familiar with?
I’m don’t familiar with the human right of the number seven: “We’re all equal before the law”.

HUMAN RIGHT Nº 13 - Freedom to Move

Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

The new word I hear is: within the borders (dins de les fronteres).

An example of this human right is that all the people can do everything, but always with laws. If you want to go to another country you can, but first you have to do some papers and buy the ticket for pass to the other country. So you’re freedom to move but always there are restrictions.

HUMAN RIGHT Nº19 – Freedom of expression

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

The new words I saw are: seek and regardless. Seek is like search (buscar), and regardless it’s like heedless (independentment).

An example of that human right is that all the people can express with they want. Maybe a man can express his feelings like playing trumpet or playing football. All the people can express his feelings doing something. Cause we have to explain all the feelings we have.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


There is a man and a woman talking in a coffee shop in New York. They are talking about their prenuptial agreement. 

James: Hey darling!

Angelina: Hey honey! Would you like something?

James: Yes, I want a coffee and you?

Angelina: I want a cappucino. 

James: Okey. Do you know what? This morning, I was thinking about our wedding and I thought that it could be a good idea to make a prenuptial agreement.

Angelina: Oh my god! What are you talking about! I'm very angry, If you want to make a prenuptial agreement I will not marry you. 

James: I love you! But I think that we don't have to leave to chance our properties and we have to separate your things and my things.
(I do this task with Paula)

Angelina: Well if you want it we will doit like this. 

James: It's not something bad, it's just to be saje. I love you so much and I want to be with you all my life. So basically my things are your things and yors are mine. 

Finally James and Angelina made a prenuptial agreement. They got married on the beach of L.A. Nowadays they are 80 and they are dtill in love!

Saturday, 1 March 2014


It seems that in our society Internet is completely inside our lives. And of course Internet could change the world for better world in the future but still we don't know if it will go for the better or not.
On the one hand, Internet helps us with a faster communication and we can chat with all the world. In addition, the net has more information than our head art it help us with our cotidian problems. And just with one click we have almost all the information that we need.
On the other hand, with the Internet, people forget about the books and only use the net. Secondly, in the Internet it's more frequents the frauds than in the shops. Lastly if electricity fails everithing goes off.
In conclusion, we would say that Internet should change the world for the better. However, that in the we can have more problems than in our private lives.


Monday, 24 February 2014


Last week we went to the university of Girona. We did some talks for guide us, for knowing what university go, what career or degree must do...
I went tot he talk about tourism, I think that degree it's so important and interesting, provably I finished choosing that.
When i leave the class I saw a photocall in the middle of the stairs. And I search my friends to get a picture there. Then we went to the talk of podologhy, Marina, Sanz, Alba and I. Sanz and I only went to that talk for do something.
Later, when we go up the talk, we went to the bus (which almost lose it) to Montilivi for where we took the bus to back to school.

Sunday, 23 February 2014


Carnival is coming and I start feeling nervous, that party is the party of the year, all the persons wait for that party all the year. Also when the Carnival finish the people think in the party of the next year.
That party is based in waer costumes for pass for the town doing dances and finally we finish at the party dancing all night and pass a great time with all the people.
There are a phrase that in Carnival of Catalunya says all the time: "A Carnaval tot s'hi val", it says that in that party all it's good. You can do everything.
So all the Carnivals are perfect, because Carnivals are perfect parties with amazing people.

Friday, 21 February 2014



Alcoholic drink is something many of us do. So many people meetat that site, because alcohol makes us happy, and we are more sociable when we are drunk.
Around the world there are some places when the people meet todrink and pass the time with friends enjoying.


I think that alcoholic drink is maybe a thing for being all the nightwith the eyes open. And enjoy the friends it's only by your personality.
So if you want to go out at night you have to drink alcohol. It's a logic thing for the students, when they go out to a party are a little bit obligated to drink. Because if they drink they must pass the night so much better.But we don't talk about the hangover on the morning of the day after.


Boozing: drinking alcohol
Riotous: lively and noisy
Hangover: feeling unwell the day after drinking alcohol.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014



British people are lazy linguistics, they learn at least 1000 words of another language. That's 1000 words Campaign is losing out on international trade and jobs, cause their poor language skills.


The British people are so lazy linguistics, and I think that's so important. Because if you know the languages you must know so many things about the other countries.
If you know a 1000 words of the other language you cancommunicate with that person and you can achieve more things in our head.


Native language: language of a person's home country
Self-esteem: confidence in your value and in what you can do
Compulsory: must be done

Friday, 14 February 2014


The winter pass so quickly, but when I look to my marks my face change. I only want to be on summer now. When it's summer we don't have tasks or something like this, and of course we don't have and we don't need any marks.
Summer it's freedom for the students, we don't have to be nervous or something like that. we only live the life saying and beeing what we want.
Right now, on winter we have to study for have a mark, not for learn, for have a good mark. That's a stupid thing, but well the politic right now it's like this. 
So when we pass this winter timewe went to a trip with friends, we went a parties, to the beach... but we are freedom in summer, that is the big thing that the students wait for it all time.

Monday, 3 February 2014


I've got Facebook, Twitter, Linkdin, Whatsapp, Tuenti media and a lot more. But I only use for: Instagram for post photographs, Twitter for search people or phrases, Facebook to chat and post status with myfriends and Whatsapp for chat friends privately.
Then I use an application, it's for play games but also I can chat with people by that application. And the name of that app was Candy Crush Saga.
I've my own cell phone, and of course I have all that applications in my mobile, because I have Internet connection on it and also at home. 
I've got an account on Facebook and on Twitter, and To all the others is I explain before.
I use social networks all day, because all day I've connected toInternet by mobile and I don't get out of them never.

Saturday, 1 February 2014


The hairdressing it's a scare thing for the girls, when they listen that word they feel nervous, they probably have fear. That's for a reason.
When you go to the hairdresing you go for cut your hair a little bit, but the hairdressers like so much the scissors, and they cut what they want. When they finsih, show you with a mirror your hair, and you have to say: "oh yes so beautiful, that's pretty :)". But the girls always think: " What the fuck she did in my hair? that's horrible! I feel horrible! Not the hairdressed is horrible! I want to kill them".
So the hairdresses make's us fear to their work, because they do it so bad at the moment. But also I think that we feel horrible because it's a change in our hair and we don't accept that change.

Thursday, 30 January 2014


Candy Crush it's an application of the cell phones. Probably is the greatest application after Whatsapp.
It consists about make jelly and achieve the tasks about all the levels. There are a lot of levels, I think there are 499 levels, but all the weeks the company put more.
Right now I'm in the 347 level. I've been playing that game since the summer of last year. 
That game it's for play with your friends and you pass to the other world if you ask to your friends for sending to you a life or a pass for that level.
I think that I wouldn't remove that app, because that app it's for when I'm bored oror then I don't know what I can do, I play that app.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


The news is in the image


Sochi, Russia, it's the place which is taking the Winter Olympics that year. It's a place which the athletes most rate their ability and win a gold medal for this country.
A lot of that athletes are choosing new technology to help and improve their speed.


Sochi, Russia it's a good place for doing the Winter sports, because it's a cold city and there is too much snow.
The athletes are choosing new technology to help and improvetheir speed, because they always went win the gold medal. And if it's possible with the best positions, cause it's always better.


Modelling: designing and planning (using a computer programme)
Moguls: piles of snow you jump over when skiing
Hurtle: Move very quickly without much control

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


My research project, consists of an introductory part about how I can do the research about the Mathematic women; a part with the analysis of every woman I called theoretical part.
Then there's another part, with all the works of those women and finally the conclusion of my research project, there were the most frequent characters and the positive and negative connotations are collected. 
To do my research project, I have searched the information on the Internet and books.

Monday, 13 January 2014


That women was Teano
The research project consists of an introductory part about how I can do that research; a part with the analysis of every women; a part with all the works of that women’s and finally a conclusions where the most frequent characters and the positive and negative connotations given to them are collected.
When I started this research project my main objective was to know about the mathematician’s women and his works. On the other hand, I realised that I couldn't do this, without a specific glossary. So, that was another important reason of my research project.
Perhaps, the most important problem that I found when I was doing my research project was the poor information that was on the net, due to the extinction of that women’s.
All the specific and technical words of this presentation are about the works of that women’s, all are specific, so I explained at the end of the page in the entire research project.